BMW i3 liftgate combines functionality with weight savings

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Following on from its success with the 2014 Nissan Rogue liftgate, Magna International Inc. (Sailauf, Germany) has revealed the latest application success for its lightweight composite technology: the liftgate in the BMW i3. For more plastics applications in the i3 see here and here.

Magna’s collaboratively-designed liftgate reportedly achieves the BMW i brand appearance and vehicle mass requirements through the use of a lightweight composite structure which integrates the liftgate’s functional systems. Locking and latching systems, rear windshield wiper system, interior trim, exterior painted trim finishes, electrical power and signal distribution, tail-lights, rear window and a unique glass outer panel are all integrated using a fully automated accelerated joining technology. The sleek and stylish module is a completely assembled lightweight closure, ready for installation on the vehicle.