Welcome To The New AviationWeek.com
lundi, 05 mai 2014
Our redesigned site offers readers a new, expanded window to insight and analysis from Aviation Week’s industry-leading editorial team, along with access to products, services, events and fleet data. Each day, our editors select and highlight articles from across our range of brands, including our flagship magazine, Aviation Week & Space Technology, the Aviation Week
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EPL Composite Solutions developing low cost thermoplastic technology within the AMSCI programme
lundi, 05 mai 2014
Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI) is a national initiative which provides funding to develop supply chains’ improve competitiveness, sustain or create new employment opportunities, and create better synergies and sustained collaborative relationships throughout supply chains that participate. EPL Composite Solutions (EPL) is a privately owned research and development company specialising in the application and
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mercredi, 26 mars 2014
Des robots à louer Le CTDEC et le Cetim proposent la location d’un robot de chargement et de déchargement de machines d’usinage. Le coût : 3 000 euros par mois, formation comprise ! Objectif : permettre aux PME d’évaluer sans risque l’intérêt d’investir dans ce type d’équipement. Quoi de mieux pour juger de l’intérêt d’un robot dans son entreprise que
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