Le groupe Hutchinson acquiert Composite Industrie
jeudi, 22 septembre 2016
Hutchinson a racheté Composite Industrie, basée à Bondoufle et qui dispose également d’une unité de production à Casablanca. Cette société est spécialisée dans la conception, la qualification et la production de produits composites destinés aux marchés de l’aéronautique et de la défense. Elle fournit notamment des aménagements cabine et cockpits, dont celui de l’A350 XWB.
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Further integration opportunities with new-generation composites for Hutchinson
mercredi, 25 mars 2015
The group developes 3rd generation composites that meet aerospace performance criteria and satisfy the need for high-output production in the aerospace and automotive industries. Hutchinson is one of the few thermoplastics/composites players that not only does its own part design and manufacturing, but also formulates its own materials.These high-performance composites are ultra-light, strong, more environment
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Hutchinson composite suspension makes waves
jeudi, 19 mars 2015
French fabricator Hutchinson shows at JEC Europe 2015 an innovative front vehicle suspension, made with fiberglass/epoxy in a resin transfer molding (RTM) process. Automotive processes, materials and parts were everywhere at JEC Europe 2015 (March 10-12), and one part in particular had show-goers in awe. Automotive and aerospace OEM and Tier supplier Hutchinson (Paris, France),
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